【 点击数:
10 发布时间:
2023-03-13 】
基本信息: | 英晓光(男,群众) |
所属院系: | 化学工程系 |  |
职称: | 副教授 |
学历: | 博士研究生 |
学位: | 博士 |
个人简介: | 2007/09 – 2010/03,天津大学,材料科学与工程学院,材料学博士
2005/09 – 2007/07,天津大学,材料科学与工程学院,材料学硕士
2001/09 – 2005/07,天津大学,材料科学与工程学院,材料化学学士
2010/04 –至今,福州大学,石油化工学院,材料化学工程系,副教授 |
研究领域: | 分子印迹聚合物、高分子功能化改性 |
主讲课程: | 化工设备机械基础、工程力学 |
科研成果: | 科研项目:
2 )福建省教育厅科技项目A类资助
3 )中国博士后科学基金面上资助
1)Molecular imprinting technique in putrescine visualized detection. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2018 , 258, 870-880
2)Poly acrylamide-grafted calcium alginate microspheres as protein-imprinted materials. Polymer Bulletin. 2018, 75(5), 2139–2150
3)Specific rebinding of protein imprinted polyethylene glycol grafted calcium alginate hydrogel with different crosslinking degree. Journal of polymer research.
2017, 24, 93
4)BSA imprinted polyethylene glycol grafted calcium alginate hydrogel microspheres Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2016, 133, 43617
5)Molecularly imprinted polyurethane grafted calcium alginate hydrogel with specific recognition for proteins. Materials Letters, 2015,143(15) 248-251
6)Controlled Mechanical and Swelling Properties of Urethane Acrylate Grafted Calcium Alginate Hydrogels. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2015, 81(11)11-16
7)Protein-Imprinted Polyurethane-Grafted Calcium Alginate Hydrogel Microspheres. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2015, 132(26) 10
8)Preparation, characterization and swelling behaviors of polyurethane-grafted calcium alginate hydrogels. Materials Letters. 2014, 126( 1)263-266
9)Stimuli-Responsive Recognition of BSA-Imprinted Poly Vinyl Acetate Grafted Calcium Alginate Core-Shell Hydrogel Microspheres. Journal of Applied Polymer Science.2013, 127(5)3898–3909
10)The Imprinting Induce-Fit Model of Specific Rebinding of Macromolecularly Imprinted Polymer Microspheres. Journal of Applied Polymer Science.2011, 122(3)1847-1856
1. 一种聚氨酯改性海藻酸钙凝胶微球及其制备方法。ZL 2013 1 0110845.1 |
获奖情况: | 1.福州大学本科教学成果一等奖(2018年)(排名第二)
2.福州大学2017-2018学年本科教学优秀奖三等奖 |